Alpina Group

Zurich - Zermatt

With locations in St. Gallen, Widnau and Chur, the Alpina Group is the largest official BMW and MINI dealership in Eastern Switzerland.


Social media



  • Documentation of the driver teams
  • Branded Content

Start work at 00:30

In Zurich in the middle of the night we met the participants for the first time, who had this incredible distance of 280 km and 6,500 meters of altitude ahead of them. It started with shots of the preparations - little light, nervousness and a lot of tension were our conditions.

Velos are not so easy to catch up!

That's what we learned on this day of shooting. One of the biggest difficulties was to capture the teams every now and then on the road. However, through diligent coordination with the accompanying drivers, we managed to film all the teams even while they were driving - phuuu!

"Pull - Pull - Pull"

Throughout the race, we feverishly supported the teams and finally welcomed them in the pouring rain in Zermatt. After the race is before the interviews. These ended with a surprise for the winners of the Alpina Group teams.

The conditions on this project were enormous: the coordination during the shoot, the filming challenges, the long workday and the rainy weather. But that's what made it the adventure it was.


Social media



  • Documentation of the driver teams
  • Branded Content
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